Our entire team will be wearing masks anytime we are interacting with guests. We are doing this because we want to keep our guests safe and we want everyone to feel both comfortable and respected. We ask all customers to please respect this policy and respect our staff and other customers in Pāʻani VR. Please wear a mask when walking around Pāʻani VR. We also recommend that, if able, please keep a face mask on while playing. If face masks during play is too uncomfortable, guests may remove their mask. However, please be sure to wear a face mask when finished and our attendant returns to help guests leave their station.
We have hand sanitizer at the front entrance and throughout the facility. Our team will ask guests to use hand sanitizer before interacting with our staff or our equipment. This is to help decrease the chances that contamination enters our space and touches the VR equipment.
Please do not wipe down the headsets or goggles yourself; please ask a team member to do it. There are certain chemicals that should be used and we have them.
Our team members will also be washing their hands regularly, as well as using hand sanitizer between each interaction with guests.
After each VR session, our team will thoroughly clean each station with a CDC-approved cleaning agent that has been proven to kill COVID-19 and other infectious organisms.
VR stations will be left vacant for 5-10 minutes (based on cleaning chemicals used) to assure that the chemicals have been effective in killing any potential contamination.
We can also provide fabric face shields upon request free of charge to any customer that would like additional protection.
When entering Pāʻani VR, guests will see newly installed social distancing reminders throughout our facility. We ask that all customers kindly adhere to these guidelines. We also ask that guests stay in their designated station(s) for the duration of their visit, except for the use of the bathroom or to speak to a staff member. These social distancing guidelines are in place to help prevent the spread of any possible contagions, and we ask that guests respect our staff and our other guests by adhering to this policy as best possible.
Our team at Pāʻani VR will constantly clean any surface that has come into contact with our guests or other staff members. We will clean all VR stations upon a guest’s departure and we will wipe down chairs and tables frequently or as needed. There will be a 10 minute delay for the next guest to use the equipment.
PLEASE HELP US FOLLOW THESE GUIDELINES – it is your kuleana as well as ours
This is all new to us too, and we are doing the best we can to make sure we keep you, your family, and your friends safe. If at any point you see a member of Pāʻani VR not following these policies, please let us know.
In return, we ask the same of you as our guest here at Pāʻani VR. We ask that you follow our face mask, hand sanitation, and social distancing policies. We ask you to do this out of respect for our staff and our other guests. Please understand that while we know it is difficult, it is mandatory while at Pāʻani VR. Any intentional violation of these policies will be met with a warning and, if necessary, removal without refund.
We hope you enjoy your time at Pāʻani VR Lounge and will visit us very soon.